To schedule a guided tour of our campus or for more information, call us! 615-285-0058.
If you have an infant 6 weeks to 12 months, they will be monitored constantly for comfort and cleanliness. Diapers will be changed quickly and will immediately be disposed of outside the nursery so every room stays clean and pleasant. Our childcare providers are warm and gentle. They understand that the first years of your baby’s life are critical to the later academic, social, and developmental success he or she will achieve. Your child will never be allowed to play in a swing for too long, and will be encouraged to interact using all five senses. Our caregivers always keep track of each infant’s personal containers for wipes, diapers, and so on, and they disinfect all the toys and nursery equipment every day. Expect lots of cuddling and personal interaction.
For children 13 months to 24 months, it’s time for potty training! And our team is willing to work with you and your child through potty training and all the other important learning stages. Teachers are experienced and engage children in music, color, shapes and hand-eye coordination exercises. Your child will love their introduction to short vowels and consonants!
Two and Three year-olds begin the reading basics. Here is where you will see the Classical Education style really come into play. Children learn to recognize short vowels and consonants and their sounds. They learn to blend the sounds of a consonant and vowel, learn the sounds of one-vowel and two-vowel words, and learn special phonic sounds. Your young one will gain computer skills such as eye-hand coordination, keyboard use of direction keys plus letters and numbers, and he or she will play computer games that help build memory skills. Language and listening skills will develop quickly as your child enjoys learning color words, shapes, animals, transportation, countries, community helpers, health, safety, good manners, and even science! You’ll find your child counting 1 through 20 and grasping number concepts 1 to ten. Two and three year-olds also become adept at reciting Bible memory verses and singing the choruses to hymns. Your child will enjoy lessons on Creation, Noah, the young Samuel, Daniel, the Boyhood of Jesus, Zacchaeus, and the Good Samaritan. Don’t forget about Music and Art—they’re a fun way to learn!
Four and Five-year-olds begin Pre K! We continue with the Classical Education style and utilize the A Beka Curriculum. Your child will learn to break down long words into sounds, learn new words by combining or changing the sounds in words, and learn letter/ sound relationships. Children learn to build a sight word vocabulary which leads to greater reading comprehension skills and a much faster reading rate with improved accuracy. Kids have fun with computer software geared to children. Computer games and programs will enhance recognition of letters and numbers, improve word structure and spelling, and encourage art development. Your child will learn how to print letters in upper and lower case, and his or her language and listening skills will further improve with color words, shapes, animals, transportation, community helpers, and lessons in health, safety, good manners, and science. Number concepts 1 through 20 are taught, as is counting to 100. Basic addition, 1+1 through 1+9 is introduced, too. Children learn money (coins and bills) plus the days of the week and the entire calendar. We explore the Bible through Hymns, memory verses, and lessons such as Creation, Noah, Samuel, Daniel, the Boyhood of Jesus, Zacchaeus, and the Good Samaritan. Music and Art continue so your child can express themselves in their own unique way!